Relationship Reset
Your mind is telling you a million reasons why you should leave your partner
but in your heart you're not ready to give up on the love you share

Join Relationship Reset and calm the internal relationship war in your mind that switches between staying put and leaving.

It's time to listen to your heart's wisdom and find a way back to each other.

It's time to get on the same team as your partner and create a stronger connection. It's time to shake off the sinking feeling and heaviness that has become your relationship.

It's time to stop seeking connection and support outside of your relationship and start to believe in the future you have

together with your partner, as a connected, happy couple.

You feel like you are stuck on an impossible relationship
merry-go-round, it's too difficult to stay and heartbreaking to leave

You are constantly doubting if you are right for each other, anxiety, fear and doubt are taking over

You question the future of your relationship, if feels impossible to envision a future together, there is so much hurt between you, it's no wonder you aren't sure if this will ever work out 

You try to explain to your partner how sad you feel but your words seem to disappear into thin air. They nod, but it's as if their mind is elsewhere, it's as if they've checked out and don't care

You crave connection, to feel truly understood, you want your words to matter, and you want to feel important to your partner

You miss the fun days, when you laughed together, and danced in the kitchen, instead of peacekeeping and avoiding the topics of conversation you know will be explosive                    

Your relationship anxiety feels so intense, that it casts a shadow over everything you do, making it difficult to enjoy even the simplest of pleasures, causing you to feel drained beyond belief

Do you wish you could  ........

Feel confident in 

your relationship 

and look forward 

to your future 


Find comfort in knowing you're 

truly valued by your partner, you know you matter

Feel a sense of belonging and unwavering support when you're with your partner

It's time to join the same team as your partner and find your way back
to loving each other again ............

Knowing where to start isn't easy .....

Relationship Reset is the place to start ..... 

By joining Relationship Reset you will know just where to start, each week you are guided through the steps you need to make positive changes in your relationship, even in a short period of time. Here's the results you can expect. 

After just four short weeks you will ...

Understand your relationship better than you have before, pinpointing exactly what’s been holding you back from happiness

Be able to identify what it looks like to be in the Relationship Danger Zone and how to move beyond this 

Discover your unique relationship strengths and have the plan to build on those 

Uncover the ways you are closing yourself off to love and work on some clear steps to open up and let your partner in again

During the next 4 weeks, you 

will ...

Identify the role you and your partner take in your relationship and how this may be impacting your issues further

Learn your individual conflict style and identify key strategies to use to switch to a healthy style of conflict

Identify the key things that have held you back from change in the past and how to overcome this

Learn the secrets to healthy communication, why it’s so difficult and communication red flags to watch out for

Lastly,  create future success beyond the Reset, you will ...

Learn to connect through intimacy again, so you can feel re-energised and connected with your partner 

Finding compassion and kindness for your partner again, providing the ability to move on from the hurt of the past  

Reflect on the knowledge gained through the Reset, recalling key insights to help you in the future

Create your own personal blueprint for life beyond the Reset, ensuring that you set your relationship up for success

What if I told you...

It's possible to no longer feel weighed down by the stress and tension of your relationship. 

 Instead, you could feel a deep sense of peace and contentment. 

You can feel safe in the knowledge that you have the person right by your side, every step of the way. 

You and your partner join the same team!

All of this and more is possible!
What's included in Relationship Reset?

Ready to start believing in your relationship again

here's what's inside Relationship Reset

your solution to stop you from worrying about the future of your relationship

A proven step-by-step solution to get you back on the same team

Weekly modules filled with Relationship Know-How & practical tools to guide you through your Relationship Reset

Solutions to overcome the 10 most challenging aspects of a relationship

35 practical tools to help you take the action you need to get your relationship back on track

23 bonus activities to support a deeper understanding of your relationship

Optional personal coaching support either by yourself or with your partner

Now really is the time to take a Relationship Reset

Anon ~

We can't say enough about our incredible experience with Relationship Reset! This course truly provided us with the tools for being vulnerable and honest, allowing us to unlock the doors to better communication. 

Having a set schedule with exercises, and deep chats made us more accountable, and we learned that putting in the effort consistently leads to remarkable results. It's a lesson we'll carry with us always – that effort and teamwork shouldn't be reserved for just the tough times; it's a constant commitment to nurture our relationship. We're so grateful to Relationship Reset for the guidance and support.

Anon ~

I can’t thank Relationship Reset enough for the invaluable guidance navigating a challenging period of uncertainty in my partner and my relationship. This has helped us find clarity and focus, and foster a neutral space for open and honest conversations about our deep emotions. 

Through the modules, we were able to reconnect, find patience, and learn to truly understand each other better. Thanks to Relationship Reset, we’re now equipped with the necessary tools to create a successful relationship. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking relationship support.

Weekly Guide to What's Included in Relationship Reset

Inside Relationship Reset you will find all the expert guidance you need to overcome your relationship challenges.  Using the research-backed insights across twelve transformative weeks you will slowly start 

Each week unveils a new chapter, releasing fresh subjects into your personal course portal. Revealing four enlightening lessons, gaining invaluable insights into your relationship dynamics and the science behind the issues you face.  

Your reset included weekly workbooks, covering practical tools and activities to understand yourself, your partner, and your relationship better. As a bonus, each week you get even more tools to deepen your knowledge.

Week 1 - Relationship Awareness

Discover how to increase awareness in your relationship

Find out why relationship awareness matters

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including the Needs vs Wants activity, a Feeling Wheel & a Guided Mediation Track, plus more

Week 2 - Relationship Danger Zone

Understand what the Danger Zone is in your relationship

Discover how to move out of the Danger Zone

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including Reflective Questions, the Danger Zone Checklist & Antidodes to the Danger Zone 

Week 3 - Relationship Strengths

Uncover the strengths of your relationship

Find out how to build upon your strengths

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including the Strengths Finder activity, Strength-Based Affirmations & a Guided Meditation track to find your love story, plus more

Week 4 - Becoming Receptive to Love

Understand the subtle ways you close off from love

Discover how to reverse this & welcome love again

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including, Creating Connection Rituals, 5 Ways to Connect & Identifying How Present You Are

Week 5 - Relationship Roles

Discover the role you play in your relationship

Find out how to consciously show up differently

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including Identifying what you seek in a partner, your Attachment Style & the 3A's tool, plus more

Week 6 - Conflict Styles

Distinguish the difference between healthy & unhealthy conflict

Learn how to avoid blow-ups in the future

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including Identifying your Conflict Style, Fair Principle & the Wise Mind tool 

Week 7 - Embracing Change

Discover how to take the fear out of change

Identify how to move consciously towards the love you want

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including Putting Your Thoughts on Trial, Antidotes to Change Resistance & Ways to Embrace Change

Week 8 - Communication

Understand better communication approaches to follow that lead to healthier communication with your partner

Discover the communication red flags to look out for 

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including Preparing for difficult Conversations, Effective Communication Reflections and  Antidotes to Poor Communications Habits

Week 9 - Kindness & Compassion

Discover how to bring Kindness & Compassion back to your relationship

Find out what might hold you back from being kind and the easy, follow the sun method to practice kindness in your relationship

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including the Acts of Kindness ideas, Intension Setting & Principles of Compassion

Week 10 - Intimacy Through Connection

Intimacy is in and out of the bedroom, discover how to get your intimate connection back on track

Identify what's getting in the way of intimacy

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including 4 steps towards intimacy, the intimacy wheel and conversation starters

Week 11 - Relationship Reflection

Discover the power of reflection and how to build the skills needed

Explore two models of reflection to help you put reflection into practice

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including practical application of reflective models & a guided reset reflection track plus more

Week 12 - Beyond the Reset

Discover how to create success in your relationship beyond the reset

Get access to key tools & bonus material, including how to create your blueprint for relationship success and weekly check-ins

You are moments away from starting your Relationship Reset, don't delay and sign up today. You can start straight away with your first lesson, Relationship Awareness, it's packed full of practical tools to get you started. 

You get lifetime access for £349, you also have the option to get additional coaching support either by yourself or with your partner. They are personal sessions lasting an hour for solo coaching or 90 minutes for couples. To find out more about coaching please book a call and share more details. It's a free call and there's no obligation. 

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Relationship Reset Only (£349.00)£349.00
  • Preferred option
    Relationship Reset plus 4 Individual Coaching Sessions (£850.00)£850.00
  • Preferred option
    Relationship Reset plus 4 Couples Coaching Sessions (£1050.00)£1050.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xRelationship Reset£0

All prices in GBP